Asset Publisher

Italian Agriculture Yearbook


What is

Since 1947, the Italian Agriculture Yearbook analyses the trend of the national agri-food system, highlighting its evolutionary lines. It represents an essential tool for all of those who are interested in knowing our primary sector.

The Yearbook deals with the integration of the Italian agriculture in the national and international economic context, with the use of production factors, agricultural structures, public intervention in agriculture, with the complex relationships in relation to ecosystem and civil society; it also deals with the dynamics of the sectors, both upstream and downstream, and those ones related to each agricultural production (fishing and forestry sectors included).

The volume is the result of a wide documentary analysis, integrated with a set of statistical data released by the National Statistical System, to which CREA belongs to, supplemented by ad hoc surveys and a capillary collection of information available at public and private operators.

Every edition is enriched by several in-depth analysis, providing thinking points on current topics and arising themes.

            Italian Agriculture Yearbook 2020, Volume LXXIV

            Figures, Tables and Statistical Appendix

            Database 2000-2020

Coordinamento Generale

Roberta Sardone (general coordination), Andrea Arzeni, Tatiana Castelloti, Maria Carmela Macrì, Maria Francesca Marras, Maria Rosaria Pupo D'Andrea, Lucia Tudini, Francesco Vanni

Editorial Committee

In the Archive of previous editions it is possible to consult all Volumes of the Italian Agriculture Yearbook, published from 1947 up to today.

The consultation is made possible thanks to an effort to recover and digitize the  complete historical series of volumes.

The Archive allows all users interested in the evolutionary study of Italian agriculture to access a wealth of information of extraordinary breadth and completeness. From Volume LXV onwards, it is also possible to consult the compendium of tables in excel.

The Archive is completed by the section dedicated to in-depth monographs and informative reports, produced over the years by the various working groups involved in the drafting of the Yearbook.

This section, with the 2000-2020 Database, is a support tool for the dissemination of the results of the research carried out by the Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy.

Archive of previous editions



Roberta Sardone
