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Experimental farms
Experimental farms
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"Inviolatella" and "Riserva La Castellaccia" farms - Roma and Montelibretti (RM)
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"Inviolatella" and "Riserva La Castellaccia" farms - Roma and Montelibretti (RM)
These farms (130 ha and 35 ha respectively) include experimental plots suitable for the evaluation of the response of the cereal crops respect to different agro-technical inputs, climatic conditions, biotic and climatic adversity of cereals, particularly durum wheat, both in conventional and organic management thanks to the twenty-year official certification for organic crops. Conservation, characterization and qualitative-quantitative enhancement of a collection of hulled cereals according to the Genetic Resources-FAO Project are also active. Since 1974, the Center coordinates the national durum wheat network adopting tests carried out following common protocols in fields located in different cropping areas of Italy.
+39 06 3295705 int. 253
+39 06 90675 243
The history of the center_def
The history of the center
The Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing was established as part of the CREA reorganization in May 2017, through the aggregation of 6 territorial structures: Monterotondo (RM), Treviglio (BG), Rome (Inviolatella), Milan, Turin and Pescara.
The offices in Monterotondo and Treviglio, formerly Agriculture Mechanization Experimental Institute and then transformed into the Agricultural Engineering Research Unit in 1999, mainly deal with agricultural engineering. The Rome-Inviolatella site, with competences on different quality aspects of cereal production, including agronomic yield, phytopathological, health and safety-related issues (mycotoxins) and, in particular, on technological process and quality of cereals, derives from the Experimental Institute for Cereal Research (ISC - 1967), even before the National Institute of Genetics for Cereal Crops in Rome founded in 1919 by Nazareno Strampelli.
The structure of Milan, with main skills in the transformation and conservation of fruit and vegetables, originates from the Research Unit for the processes of the agro-food industry deriving from the Experimental Institute for Agricultural Products Technologies originated in 1967, former Experimental Station of Refrigeration founded in 1919.
The Pescara office, which deals with the evaluation of the oil and table olives, originates from the Research Center for Olive Growing and Olive Oil Industry, formerly Experimental Institute for Olive Oil Technology since 1968 and Royal Experimental Station for Olive Growing and Oil Mill since 1931.
The Turin office was born as a peripheral research group in 2004 of the Research Center for the Soil-Plant System by the previous organization.