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6627 results for plant care

  • MC

    Decreto CS n. 58 del 12_05_2020_Allegato.pdf

    Documento · Da maria cimino Alle 25-giu-2020 16.06
    dell’economia agraria (CREA) (The Italian Republic) and the Institute of Plant...Gian Luca Calvi and the Institute of Plant Nutrition and...
  • MC

    Decreto CS n. 58 del 12_05_2020_Allegato.pdf

    Documento · Da maria cimino Alle 23-giu-2020 15.32
    dell’economia agraria (CREA) (The Italian Republic) and the Institute of Plant...Gian Luca Calvi and the Institute of Plant Nutrition and...
  • GC


    Documento · Da giulia capone Alle 3-nov-2020 13.52
    dell’economia agraria (CREA) (The Italian Republic) and the Institute of Plant...Gian Luca Calvi and the Institute of Plant Nutrition and...
  • AR

    curriculum vitae Walter Fidone 2023.pdf

    Documento · Da andrea rocchini Alle 28-giu-2023 9.46
    Lo Giudice Gioacchino, Omega Plant dei F.lli Gentile s.s...Giudice Martina Francesca, Omega Plant dei F.lli Gentile s.s...Il Grappolo D'oro arl,...
  • RG


    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 29-nov-2022 15.46
    the morpho-functional effects of biotic and abiotic stress on natural and crop plant...DI SVILUPPO, ANR-FR) EDITORIAL BOARD: 2012 ASSOCIATE EDITOR PER JOURNAL OF...
  • RG

    CV_Reverberi Massimo.pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 5-lug-2023 15.51
    the morpho-functional effects of biotic and abiotic stress on natural and crop plant...DI SVILUPPO, ANR-FR) EDITORIAL BOARD: 2012 ASSOCIATE EDITOR PER JOURNAL OF...
  • RG

    CV_Reverberi_Massimo (1).pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 4-apr-2023 10.01
    the morpho-functional effects of biotic and abiotic stress on natural and crop plant...DI SVILUPPO, ANR-FR) EDITORIAL BOARD: 2012 ASSOCIATE EDITOR PER JOURNAL OF...
  • RG

    CV_Reverberi_Massimo (3).pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 23-gen-2024 15.04
    the morpho-functional effects of biotic and abiotic stress on natural and crop plant...DI SVILUPPO, ANR-FR) EDITORIAL BOARD: 2012 ASSOCIATE EDITOR PER JOURNAL OF...
  • MC


    Documento · Da manuela cicerchia Alle 14-lug-2020 12.05
    12:00 The Power of Bioinformatics and Machine Learning for Gene Discovery in Plant
  • MM

    seminario Leandro Pena_15 gen 2019.pdf

    Documento · Da marco montesi Alle 11-mar-2019 13.45
    Agrumicoltura (CREA-OFA) Corso Savoia 190, 95024 Acireale (CT) Leandro Peña Institute of Plant
Mostrati 891 - 900 su 6.627 risultati.