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6578 results for plant care

  • RG

    CV_Mercati Francesco.pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 3-mag-2022 11.34
    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and their implications for plant genetics...(SJR); - BMC Plant Biology, ISSN 14712229, Q1 -...
  • RG

    CV_Mercati Francesco (1).pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 27-mag-2022 13.49
    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and their implications for plant genetics...(SJR); - BMC Plant Biology, ISSN 14712229, Q1 -...
  • LP

    Determina 3243-OFA del 16.1.2023 SperimentazionePrivative

    Documento · Da letizia pompili Alle 16-gen-2023 13.51
    delegate to enter the testing fields where CREA’s material is tested; g) take care...Community Plant Variety Rights n. 10182 on the 21/10/2002 and...
  • MM


    Documento · Da marinella mervini Alle 21-gen-2021 12.27
    II - SUBMISSION OF SEED AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL 1....Seed/plant Treatment: .............The plant material must...
  • RG

    CV Distefano Gaetano.pdf

    Documento · Da roberto guarino Alle 11-giu-2021 19.24
    de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM) Master of Science in Plant...Molecular Biology and Biotechnology” per la rivista “American Journal of...
Mostrati 481 - 485 su 6.578 risultati.