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Scientific director: Luigi Cattivelli
Typology: National
Status: In progress
Duration: 2018-2021
Funding bodies: Mipaaft
Coordination Committee: Luigi Cattivelli, Teodoro Cardi, Maria Francesca Cardone

BIOTECH is the first major national project on plant genetic improvement, a sector of strategic importance for the country. For many of the species grown in Italy - including several crops based on typical products - derive from varieties, hybrids or rootstocks imported or made in Italy, with knowledge and technologies developed abroad, a condition of structural fragility for our made in Italy that must be overcome with research. The project, in fact, aims to build a scientific know-how that helps to transform the knowledge of the genomes of different species in improved products, increasingly competitive and authentically Italian.

The project


BIOTECH involves different relevant species for our agri-food, both fruit and vegetables and cereals (vine, olive, apricot, peach, cherry, apple, pear, tomato, eggplant, wheat, poplar) and puts in system the genetic capital and knowledge already present in many public institutions in the country, to allow our researchers to be protagonists in the European and global biotechnology research.

The objectives for the different species have been defined in close synergy with stakeholders (trade associations, companies, associations of producers and consumers, etc.).


The scientific core of BIOTECH is represented by the application of new biotechnologies for genetic improvement, in particular cisgenesis and genome editing, to national production chains, in order to increase the quality and/or sustainability of crops. In the case of cisgenesis, the gene that is transferred derives exclusively from plants of the same species or sexually compatible species, maintaining the structural integrity and orientation of the original gene.

Genome editing is the set of techniques that allow to modify in a targeted way specific genes, inducing cuts in the double strand of DNA. These cuts are then repaired, but frequently, during the repair process, small mutations occur, which can modify the functionality of the gene. The plants thus obtained do not contain DNA other than that naturally present in their species and, in fact, are entirely equivalent to those that could result using conventional genetic improvement techniques based on crossbreeding, selection and mutagenesis.

However, traditional breeding systems cannot guarantee the accuracy and absence of any undesirable effects of the use of biotechnology. In many cases, in fact, cisgenesis and genome editing allow to shorten considerably the selection time, making possible in a few years what before took several decades, in cases such as tree plants.

Finally, it should be stressed that genome editing allows to modify a specific gene (in fact even a single base on 500-1000 million bases, ie the average size of a genome of cultivated plants), leaving everything else unchanged. When this action is carried out on typical varieties or subject to certified production, this means being able to correct defects without touching the typicality of the product.


Nell’ambito del progetto il CREA, organizza un evento rivolto alle classi del 3°, 4° e 5° anno delle scuole superiori e degli ITS con formazione in agricoltura, interamente on line, per sensibilizzare quelli che saranno i cittadini (agricoltori e consumatori) di domani sull’importanza delle biotecnologie in agricoltura. Un percorso didattico e di conoscenza per accompagnare i ragazzi verso un atteggiamento più consapevole e maturo nei confronti di questi temi così complessi e dibattuti, e, al tempo stesso così presenti nella vita di tutti.

Le classi che aderiranno all’iniziativa, con i loro insegnanti, saranno invitate a preparare un breve video in cui illustreranno il loro punto di vista in risposta a 3-5 spunti di riflessione, vere e proprie sfide intellettuali, appositamente predisposti dagli organizzatori per stimolare la loro curiosità. I filmati ricevuti saranno montati in modo sequenziale e nel corso del webinar verranno confrontati con il parere degli esperti. Una apposita giuria selezionerà il video scientificamente più corretto e quello più mediaticamente efficace. Un questionario verrà poi somministrato ai ragazzi al termine dell'iniziativa per misurarne l'efficacia.

I video verranno poi condivisi sul canale Youtube CREA Ricerca e sugli altri social dell'Ente.

Gli insegnanti delle classi aderenti saranno invitati ad un breve corso di formazione on line per approcciare al meglio sia il tema sia l'iniziativa. Ed avranno a disposizione materiale didattico di approfondimento da consultare e scaricare.

L’evento, organizzato dal CREA, è realizzato nell’ambito delle attività del progetto Biotecnologie sostenibili in agricoltura (BIOTECH) finanziato dal MIPAAF e si svolge in collaborazione con: ABE Italy , Re.N.Is.A. (Rete Nazionale Istituti Agrari), Festival del Giornalismo Alimentare, Fondazione Bio Campus.

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Biotech School Contest


Project funding bodies