CREA challenges
CREA challenges
Agriculture, as never before, faces complex and ambitious challenges: from ongoing climate change to invasions by “alien" organisms and microorganisms, from growing demand for food to safe and nutritious production, while protecting the diversity of ecosystems, soil fertility, air and water quality.
CREA, the most important Italian agri-food research body, intends to make its contribution in this regard, with major research projects, able to radically innovate the way of farming in such a difficult context and capable of producing scientific knowledge, which will increase competitiveness, production efficiency and sustainability of our agricultural system, helping to adapt to climate change and increasing the quality of production.
Asset Publisher
Coordinatore e Responsabile scientifico: Raffaella Pergamo
Tipologia: Nazionale
Stato: In corso
Durata: 2020-2024
Enti finanziatori: Mipaaf (Progetto “Accordo di Cooperazione con il MiPAAF per l’attuazione del POA” - OB.FU. – CUP J81G16000000001)
Il CREA aderisce all’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite, il programma d’azione contenente i 17 Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile – OSS (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs nell’acronimo inglese) dettagliati in 169 target, da raggiugere a partire dal 2020 e comunque entro la fine di questa decade.
Dettaglio arrow_forwardScientific director: Luigi Cattivelli
Typology: National
Status: In progress
Duration: 2018-2021
Funding bodies: Mipaaft
Coordination Committee: Luigi Cattivelli, Teodoro Cardi, Maria Francesca Cardone
BIOTECH is a research program consisting of 11 projects dedicated to the different production chains of Made in Italy, as well as three support projects dedicated to crop protection, a study on the economic impact of biotechnology and a coordination activity.
Detail arrow_forwardScientific director: Marcello Donatelli
Typology: National
Status: In progress
Duration: 2018-2023
Funding bodies: Mipaaf
AgriDigit provides for a coordination and six sub-projects involving several Operating Units, with a scientific characterisation that differs between transversal sub-projects (AgriInfo and AgroModels) and thematic (Agro-Food Chain, Forestry, Viticulture, Livestock farming).
Detail arrow_forwardResponsabile CREA per l’Italia/Coordinatore scientifico: Rosario Napoli
Tipologia: Europeo ID dell’accordo di sovvenzione: 862695
Stato: In corso
Data di avvio: 1 Febbraio 2020 - Data di completamento: 31 Gennaio 2025
Finanziato da: H2020-EU.
Bilancio complessivo: € 79.999.999,89
Contributo UE: € 40.000.000,00
Coordinato da: Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE, Francia)
L’European Joint Programme on Soil (EJP Soil) ha l’obiettivo di creare un sistema di ricerca integrato europeo, sviluppando un quadro di riferimento sulla gestione del suolo agricolo, che sia sostenibile e intelligente e contribuisca alla sicurezza alimentare, all’adattamento e alla mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici e allo sviluppo della bioeconomia.
Dettaglio arrow_forwardCoordinatore e Responsabile scientifico: Alejandra Navarro Garcia (CREA-Orticoltura e Florovivaismo)
Ente finanziatore: Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Implementation Structure (PRIMA-IS)*
* In line with Art. 3(3)(a) of the Decision (EU) 2017/1324, this funding is covered by Union financial contribution.
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