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Hero CUG introduzione
CUG - The Guarantee Committee
CUG - The Guarantee Committee
The Committee for Equal Opportunities, the enhancement of the welfare of those who work and exercises proactive, consultative and verification tasks against discrimination (CUG), within the scope of the powers delegated to it which, pursuant to Article 57, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 (as introduced by Article 21 of Law 183/2010), are those that the law, collective agreements or other provisions previously delegated to the Committees for Equal Opportunities and to the Joint Committees for combating the phenomenon of mobbing. These competences are mentioned in the directive of 4 March 2011 of the Minister for Public Administration and of the Minister for Equal Opportunities, concerning the guidelines on the modalities of functioning of the same.
The CUG promotes a culture of equal opportunities and respect for the dignity of the person in the workplace, through the proposal, to the competent bodies, of training plans for all workers.
The CUG works closely with the administrative top of the CREA and exercises its functions using human, logistical and instrumental resources, suitable to guarantee the purposes provided for by law, which the Administration will make available for this purpose, also on the basis of the provisions of the collective agreements in force.
The CUG is made up of ten members, appointed with managerial determination. It consists of five members designated by each of the trade unions most represented in the body and an equal number of members from the central administration and structures, while ensuring the equal presence of both sexes.
The CUG carries out its activities with regard to all personnel under public law and under contract; it is based in Rome, in via Po 14, at the offices of the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics.
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