Business Space
Business Space
In order to strengthen the relationship of collaboration and partnership with companies operating in the different sectors of the agri-food sector, CREA offers services and opportunities, after sharing the aims and principles that govern access, adopting traditional or innovative communication tools.
Interested companies may register with SPAZIO IMPRESA to have timely access to the information that CREA intends to make available, after sharing the purposes and principles governing its use.
By joining the SPAZIO IMPRESA you will be able to receive information directly on:
notices for expressions of interest on the innovations of the Body for collaborations/licenses, also organized by production sector/reference sector
list of other available innovations and results that are immediately transferable or under development
events for companies organised at research centres
continuous updating of the catalogue of research results, industrial inventions, plant novelty rights and varieties registered in the national varietal registers
automatic registration of CREA files with the Communities
activation of possible in-depth topics (e-learning) also on request
To register:
Write to CREA:
Download the FORM to join Spazio Impresa