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Charter and Code in Italy

Charter and Code in Italy


On 13 December 2005, in the Roman Capitol, in the very hall where the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the Italian Universities and Research Organisations signed a declaration of commitment (in Italian language) to:

  • adopt the principles and initiatives of the Charter and Code, adapting their Statutes and internal rules;

  • invite the Parliament and the Government to adopt legislation in adherence to the principles of the Charter and Code;

  • invite supervising Authorities and the Representative organisation of the economic, industrial and social world to undertake actions and adopt behaviors in line with the word and spirit of the EC Recommendation;

  • request researchers to fully respect of the principles of the Chart in their profession;

  • Set up a consultation Forum among national Institutions in order to support and to monitor the application of the Charter and Code.

CREA (at that time CRA) adhered to the initiative and signed the declaration of commitment, later ratified by the Board (Decision n. 245/05 of 21-22.12.2005).


On 25 November 2016 the Government issued Legislative Decree n. 218 (in Italian language) Simplification of the activities of Public Research Organisations according to article 13 of Law 7 August 2015, n. 124, entered into force 10 December 2016. Article 2 of the Decree (European Charter for Researchers) requires PROs to incorporate the Recommendation of the Commission of 11 March 2005 (2005/251/CE) on the European Carter for Researchers and of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers into their Statutes and internal rules, taking also into account the guidelines of the European Framework for Research Careers, in order to grant Researchers and Engineers:

  1. Freedom of research;

  2. Project grant portability;

  3. Dissemination and exploitation of research results;

  4. Access to research training and continuous development;

  5. Professional valorisation;

  6. Adequate research environment;

  7. Flexibility of working schedules as necessary for an adequate deployment of research activities;

  8. Geographic mobility, as well as mobility between sectors and Organisations;

  9. Protection if Intellectual Property Rights;

  10. Teaching opportunities insofar as compatible with research activities;

  11. Adequate evaluation and performance assessment systems;

  12. Elected representation of researchers and engineers in the scientific and governing bodies of the Organisations.

Researchers and engineers shall:

  1. Adhere to recognized ethical principles and practices according to their disciplines and fields of research;

  2. Follow existing rules and procedures;

  3. Ensure a transparent and efficient administration of research funds respecting accounting rules and principles;

  4. Abide to health- and safety-protection rules;

  5. Ensure data protection and confidentiality;

  6. Support the dissemination and communication of research activities;

  7. Facilitate monitoring and auditing of their research activities;

  8. Continuously improve their knowledge and competences.

Supervisory Ministries shall monitor the implementation of the provisions of the law and report to the Parliament on an annual basis, starting 2018.

Page update carta in italia

Ultimo aggiornamento 11 May 2020

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