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Hero - Forum dei CUG

CUGs Forum

CUGs Forum


The Forum of the Guarantee Committees (CUGs) of PA is a network that connects the Committees of about 140 Administrations and central, national and local Bodies, which represent about 700,000 public workers.

The presidents of the CUGs of the most important Italian public administrations felt the need to create a network, creating the FORUM of the Guarantee Committees, officially presented on June 16, 2015, during a conference held in Palazzo Montecitorio.

The Forum has its own rules of operation and several issues are developed within committees formed by people from different bodies on a voluntary basis.

The Forum was created as a positive action to promote the exchange of experiences, skills and good practices between administrations and bodies very different from each other in order to strengthen the role of the Guarantee Committee. This allows to overcome the limit of the individuality of the organisations and to create forms of comparison and collaboration that are certainly a novelty and an important added value in the context of public administration.

CREA has been a member of the CUG Forum since 2017 and at the same time is also a member of the CUG group of public research bodies (EPRs).

National Network of Guarantee Committees

National Network of Guarantee Committees


The Forum of the Guarantee Committees is composed of the Committees of the following Administrations/ Authorities:

Agenzia Dogane e Monopoli Agenzia Entrate MAECI
Ministero della Difesa MIPAAF MISE
MIT Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Avvocatura dello Stato
Consiglio di Stato Consiglio regionale del Lazio Corte dei Conti
Uffici Giudiziari Romani ASL BARI AUSL Bologna
Azienda Ospedaliera S. Andrea Roma Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo Forlanini IFO
ASI Camera di Commercio di Milano ENAC
ARPA Lombardia ARPAT Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale
Città Metropolitana di Torino Comune di Firenze Roma Capitale
Comune di Siena Comune di Torino Provincia di Campobasso
Regione Abruzzo Regione Lazio Regione Puglia
Regione Toscana Regione Toscana Rete 13 CUG del Comune di Torino
Rete CUG Ambiente Tavolo Regioni Meridionali CNR
Conferenza Nazionale Organismi di Parità  Università italiane Università di Brescia Università di Catania
Università di Messina Università di Padova Università di Trento
Università di Verona Università La Sapienza Università Roma Tre
Università Tor Vergata    


Events of the National Network of Guarantee Committees

Events of the National Network of Guarantee Committees


Conference, Starting Afresh from People to Create Public Value: Equal Opportunities in Public Administration

A challenge for the National Network of Guarantee Committees
ForumPA, 16 May 2019

The National Network of Guarantee Committees organised the conference “Starting Afresh from People to Create Public Value: Equal Opportunities in Public Administration. The role of the National Network of Guarantee Committees", on 16 May, from 3 to 6 p. m. The event will take place in the Roma Convention Center - “La Nuvola", at the next edition of ForumPA20l9 (14-16 May).

It will be discussed how public administration is an essential factor in the development of the country and how the CUG can contribute to the creation of public value through the improvement of organizational well-being in the administration of membership.

The planned conference also aims to focus the attention on the relevance of systemic actions and on collaboration between public administrations, the primary objectives of the National Network of Guarantee Committees.

The debate will concern equal opportunities, public policies for work, health and safety, prevention of all forms of violence, training, individual and collective performance and also the forthcoming Directive on equal opportunities and the strengthening of the Guarantee Committees.

Download the Programme

Conference “Violence against women in the workplace" - Rome, 20 November 2018

On 20 November, the Conference “Violence against Women in the Workplace" was held at the Chamber of Commerce, organised by the National Forum of the Couses in collaboration with the PA Forum. The conference was an opportunity to reflect on what is now rising as a social “emergency". The event was attended by the current Minister of Public Administration, Giulia Bongiorno.

Conference “Europe is for women - Women Technologies and Communication"
Milan, 19 March 2018

The European Parliament Office in Milan is promoting a new round of meetings “Europe is for women".

This year's theme, chosen by the the European Parliament's Women's Committee for International Women's Day, is “Female Empowerment in media and ICT: the key to the future", information and communication technologies (ICT) to promote gender equality.

It is a theme that is declined in different possible directions such as: supporting gender equality through the inclusion of women in media, using new technologies to defend women's rights and to disseminate gender debates, communicate ideas and actions of women's movements in the new digital scenario.

The action of the European Union must be developed in this programmatic context: fully exploiting the potential of the information society and promoting women's empowerment; addressing the serious gender gap in the digital and communication sector and fostering the full integration of women in these sectors; supporting the education and training of women and girls in ICT and other STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics); identifying the dangers of bullying and violence against women in the use of the Internet and new technologies.

The European Parliament confirms its commitment to women's rights and gender equality, encourages policies to promote equal access of women and girls to education and vocational training and to combat all forms of violence against women and girls in the public and private spheres as a serious violation of their physical and psychological integrity

National Forum of Guarantee Committee at the ForumPA 2018 event
Roma Convention Center “La Nuvola” 23 and 24 May 2018

On 23rd at 10:00 a. m. during the event “Italy 2030: how to take Italy on a path of sustainable development” there will be the awarding of the best projects nominated for the “Sustainable PA Award, 100 projects to achieve the objectives of Agenda 2030”. The National Forum of the Guarantee Committee participated in this competition with a project in the framework of “Inequalities, equal opportunities, resilience” entitled “The strength of the network for organisational welfare policies and prevention of discrimination: the National Forum of the Guarantee Committee” which has a good chance of being awarded.

On the 24th at 15:00 the conference “The National Forum of Guarantee Committee 4. 0. Sharing knowledge is a precious intangible asset. A project for the prevention and fight against discrimination and for organisational well-being in the P. A.” will be held. It will be discussed how the sharing of knowledge in the Public Administration is an important and now indispensable challenge.

The National Forum of the Guarantee Committee, three years after its establishment, is now confirmed as the most important spontaneous network of Administrations; it works on the issues of public work and its dignity, organisational welfare, the fight against discrimination and workers' rights and has allowed the sharing of experiences gained in the various Administrations on these issues. At present, the Network has more than 140 Administrations and the number of applications for membership is constantly increasing.

Newsletter Forum

Newsletter Forum

The National Forum of the Guarantee Committee decided in plenary meeting to create with the communication group of the Forum a newsletter with the aim of informing on the progress of the activities of the commissions and macro areas of the Forum itself. This is the aim of the Newsletter, which is also intended to be a tool for publicising events, conferences and anything of interest to the administrations which are part of the Network.

Newsletter 02/2019 [Publish Date: 02 March 2023]
[Updated Data: 02 March 2023]

Public Research Bodies (EPR) Work Tables

Public Research Bodies (EPR) Work Tables


The Guarantee Committee Forum felt the need to organise itself in Macro areas to better manage the communication within the Forum itself and to address issues common to the various administrations. Some issues and initiatives must be shared by all the Guarantee Committees of the network because they are certainly of greater value if carried out together but, the specific characteristics of the contracts of each sector, deserve more selective considerations. The macro-areas generally reflect membership of the collective bargaining sector.

Teleworking and Agile Work - 14 November 2018

On 14 November, a meeting was held in ENEA with the Chairmen of the Guarantee Committees and with some of their delegates. CNR INFN INAF INAPP INGV ISTAT ISPRAMBIENTE were present. 

The theme of the day was “Teleworking and Agile Work”. It was a table that offered the opportunity to discuss how these institutions are present and used in each Administration. Despite having the same employment contract, it was found that the choice of the Administration regarding the use of Telework or Agile Work is different. We decided to share information, exchange documents, and proceed with a data collection for our internal Guarantee Committee use.

The event of 13 December, organised in Rome by Monica Parrella, was also discussed as the first Day of Agile Work within the project “Agile Work for the future of the PA”.

All those present agreed that we will continue the good practice of planning these restricted meetings of the Research Entities area within the National Forum of the Guarantee Committees, in the conviction that some issues should be shared by all and that the initiatives are certainly more valuable if carried out as a network

Significant experience in providing services in the Public Research Bodies (EPR) Guarantee Committees - 30 October 2017

On October 30, 2017, INAPP (National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies, a body supervised by the Ministry of Labour that deals with research on labour, social, training and inclusion policies) held its first meeting with the Presidents of the Guarantee Committees and with some of their delegates. ASI CREA ENEA INAF INAPP INGV INFN ISS and ISTAT were present.

The day's programme included two sharing sessions. In the first, necessarily broad, bearing in mind its exploratory character, the representatives of the various Guarantee Committees briefly presented and discussed the state of progress, strengths and weaknesses found in their actions, in the different institutional contexts. The discussion then focused on the identification and proposals of significant experiences made or to be made in the near future.

This first brainstorming was followed, in the second meeting of ideas-gathering session, by the presentation and discussion of the survey form, prepared by INAPP, for a structured analysis of the individual experiences conducted.