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UDG3 - Management of projects
UDG3 - Management of projects

Laura Proietti
Via della Navicella 2/4 - 00184 Rome
Phone number: +39 06 47836405
Fax: +39 06 47836281
Competences of the Office
- It carries out scouting activities for funding opportunities in international, national, regional programmes and those offered by private organizations, disseminating information to research centres and researchers with general or targeted communications;
- It provides assistance to CREA researchers and/or project coordinators by verifying the compliance of project proposals with the formal and substantive requirements of the calls for proposals, on the formulation of the economic-financial budget, through direct connection with each Centre, supporting the staff assigned to it in the drafting of the non-scientific components of the project, also in the role of interface of the Central Administration (so-called "One Stop Shop") in the management and internal monitoring, both technical (progress of the works) and economic-financial (trend of costs/expenses);
- It provides support, in case of financial audit on projects, for the preparation of documentation, interacts with the CREA Auditor acting as a contact point, filtering the requests of each Centre and standardizing and disseminating CREA procedures through the definition of faqs, guidelines and the organization of specific information and in-depth events, including those in cooperation with APRE;
- It carrying out an analysis of calls for proposals, funding methods, administrative reporting and eligible costs for the purpose of preparing and updating specific funding schemes that ensure correspondence between the macro-items of funding and the chapters of the budget of the Centre through the maintenance and constant updating of the financial management module of the projects;
- It conducts the preliminary investigation for the budgetisation of the financing deriving from the projects, also providing, for those financed by Masaf, the registration on the CUP/MIP system for the acquisition of the single project code (CUP);
- It supports the Coordinator or Head of Operational Unit in the financial management, monitoring and administrative-accounting of projects under the Central Administration of the Entity;
- It carries out the financial monitoring of the projects pertaining to the Research Centres, which is also necessary for a more precise determination of the residual assets in the balance sheet, providing methodological support for their reporting;
- It supports, for international projects coordinated by CREA, the administrative staff of each Centre in the presentation of project proposals to the funding body and in the ongoing management of the funded projects. To this end, it makes use, where necessary, of formal Project Management tools;
- It manages the database of the projects and the IT platforms connected to it, also taking care of the analysis and monitoring of the information on the projects of the Centre, providing support to the researchers of the Centres in finding the information necessary to participate in calls for proposals, also through the extraction and elaboration of specific reports;
- It supports the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of the Body, identified in the manager of the Office, in the tasks provided for in the participating portal of the European Commission;
- It upon request of the Research Centres involved, initiates, on the part of the Legal Representative, the preliminary investigations for the subscription of applications for aid and payment of projects within the framework of regional development programmes, interfacing with the Agricultural Assistance Centre (CAA) of the Ente and with the Heritage Office that coordinates the management of the Ente's Business File;
- It conducts the preliminary investigation for the drafting and signing of agreements, ATS, ATI aimed at the implementation of projects, programs and research activities with external parties;
- It monitors the achievement of the aid cumulation limit in De Minimis of the Body;
- It takes care of the single accreditation of the Body to computer platforms of the financing bodies for the presentation of project proposals;
- It manages the participation of CREA experts in the Twinning and Taiex projects and takes care of the administrative, financial and logistic activities related to the Body's role as mandated body.
Laura BELLUMORE +39 06 47836 289 -
Paola DORIA +39 06 47836 355 -
Romana FORGIONE +39 06 47836 280 -
Giuliana GALLIERA +39 06 47836 289 -
Daniele LIBERALI +39 06 47836 289 -
Eleonora LOMBARDI +39 06 47836 211 -
Anna MONACO +39 06 47836 235 -
Lorenza OLIVIERI +39 06 47836 204 -
Franco PORCU +39 06 47836 437 -
Deborah PROPERZI +39 06 47836 234 -
Maurizio RICCI +39 06 47836 407 -
Federica RICCIONI +39 06 47836 291 -
Francesco RIVA +39 06 47836 337 -
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