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USC5 – Contracts Office

USC5 – Contracts Office

Emilia Troccoli

Emilia Troccoli

Via Barberini 36, 5 piano - 00187 Rome

Tel: +39 06 47836 442


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Competences of the Office

  • It coordinates the two-year planning process for the purchase of goods and services for amounts equal to or greater than 40,000 euros, preparing the document of biennial programming and its annual updates, after acquisition of the necessary data by the Managers of the central administration offices and the Directors of the centres;
  • It adopt and coordinates the planning of needs for amounts below € 40,000.00 both of a general nature and of specific relevance to the central administration offices, in order to optimize human and instrumental resources and achieve cost savings, including through the use, where possible, of centralized contracts;
  • It centrally supervises and coordinates the information flows, in open standard format, relating to the obligations set out in Article 1, paragraph 32, Law no. 190/2012, in the procedures falling within the scope of the Contract code;
  • It plans and directly manages the procurement procedures of acquisitions of general interest of the central administration of the Body (e.g. stationery and consumer goods, cleaning, insurance, etc.), both below and above the EU threshold, by means of electronic communication tools and telematic purchasing and trading platforms;
  • It provides legal and operational support, in the preparation of tender documents, to the sole Responsible for the procedure (RUP) in charge of specific acquisitions relating to works, services and supplies, relevant to the activities of the individual offices of the central administration, in line with the relevant planning and related budget estimates;
  • It centrally manages the execution of insurance services relating to policies taken out for the whole Organization;
  • It manages the activation of insurance coverage for personnel who carry out mission activities abroad on behalf of the Body;
  • It manages the activation, management and release of surety policies necessary for the participation of the Body in research projects, calls for tenders and financing of works by financing bodies;
  • It manages at a centralized level, for the central administration and research centres, the supply and execution of fixed and mobile telephone services and the electricity utilities of the entire Body, within the framework of the Consip Conventions;
  • It provides administrative and technical-documental support to the offices responsible for the management of legal affairs, with specific reference to assignment of receivables and injunctions notified by the suppliers of the Body;
  • It handles the pre-litigation phase relating to any critical issues arising in the procedures governed by the contract code, verifies the prerequisites for the exercise of the right of access to public contracts by economic operators, taking into account the regulations protecting the company's know-how and the regulations governing the principles of transparency, publicity, good performance and impartiality of administrative action;
  • It implements and manages the procedures relating to service concessions pertaining to and within the competence of the central administration;
  • It carries out the consultation of the Anti-Mafia Database in accordance with the combined provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 92 of Legislative Decree no. 159/11, so-called "Anti-Mafia Database". Antimafia Code, for contracts entered into by the Central Administration and the Directors responsible for the Research Centres whose total value exceeds 150,000.00 euros;
  • It is responsible for publicity requirements in the field of public contracts in compliance with the Code of Contracts and the regulations in force;
  • It is in charge of the preparation of the authorization deeds relating to the assumption of expenditure commitments for an amount in excess of 150,000.00 euros, corresponding to the limit set out in the CREA Statutes;
  • It prepares operational and procedural guidelines for the Research Centres of the Body, through the drafting of specifications, regulations, forms, and circulars containing operating instructions for internal use, as well as any focus on regulatory updates or legal-administrative in-depth study, with particular regard also to the rules relating to transparency and the prevention of corruption in the field of public procurement;
  • It draws up public contracts for services, supplies and works, both above and below the EU threshold, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contracts Code;
  • It handles and manages the procedure for verifying the general and special requirements pursuant to articles 80 and 83 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 declared by economic operators with self-certification when participating in the procedures for awarding public contracts for works, services and supplies pertaining to the Contracts Office, interfacing for this purpose with the competent offices (Public Prosecutor's Office, Revenue Agency, Chamber of Commerce, ANAC, INPS, INAIL Observatory,...);
  • It is in charge of the annual communication, to the tax registry office, of contracts for tenders, administration and transport, for an amount of not less than € 10,329.19 (gross of VAT) on behalf of the Central Administration and the Centres and in collaboration with the competent office of the Central Administration.


Elisa BELLINI +39 0647836 592 - 

Federica BERARDI +39 0647836 510 -  

Ilaria BLOTTI +39 0647836 704 - 

Letizia CERTELLI +39 0647836 322 - 

Guido CESTARI +39 0647836 307 - 

Paola FORLETTA +39 0647836 505 - 

Maria Lina MATARAZZO +39 0647836 217 - 

Adamo MEDULLI +39 0647836 237 - 

Roberta MERLINI +39 0647836 213 - 

Ivana RICCIARDO RIZZO +39 0647836 329 - 

Asset Publisher

Regolamento in materia di affidamento dei contratti pubblici di importo inferiore alle soglie di rilevanza europea, ai sensi dell’art. 50 del Dlgs. n. 36 del 31 marzo 2023 recante il Codice dei contratti pubblici.

Regolamento Art.50 Dlgs.36

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Regolamento incentivi funzioni tecniche (Del. 7-24).pdf
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Page update gare e contratti

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07 May 2020

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