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Healthy eating guidelines: follow up is published on Nutrients
The Alignment of Recommendations of Dietary Guidelines with Sustainability Aspects: Lessons Learned from Italy’s Example and Proposals for Future Development.
The 2018 revision of the Guidelines for healthy eating brought many new elements including the inclusion of sustainability issues. In this third work published as a follow-up to the Guidelines update, the authors Laura Rossi, general coordinator of the committee of revision, Marika Ferrari, coordinator of the Sustainability chapter and Andrea Ghiselli president of the committee of revision have highlighted the scientific development of sustainability recommendations in the framework of a public health document such as the Guidelines for healthy eating. The work reports the contribution of the Italian guidelines to the 16 guiding principles of a healthy and sustainable diet as defined by the WHO and the FAO. The paper also reports the contribution of the Italian guidelines to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The work demonstrated that practical recommendations for improving sustainability behavior could be conveyed to consumers.
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