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Asset Publisher
Collezione Nazionale di Riferimento delle Api Selvatiche d’ Italia (CRASI)
Soilsites - Patrimonio culturale pedologico d'Italia
SOIL DATABASE 250 - Banca dati dei suoli in scala 1:250.000
SOIL IDRO - Banca dati georeferenziata delle misure di caratterizzazione fisico-idrologiche dei suoli italiani
IPHEN - Italian phenological network
National Meteorological Archive
PANDA - GeoDataBase pedoclimatico d'Italia
Pedoteca ARCAN - Banca dati dei campioni di suolo
Solimaps - Banca dati delle risorse cartografiche e/o informative sui suoli italiani
The history of the Center AA
The history of the Center
The Centre for Agriculture and Environment Research was formally established in June 2017, following the reform of CREA (formerly C.R.A.) consisting in merging the C.R.A. Research Units in Rome, Bari, Florence and Bologna.
The administrative headquarters of CREA-AA is in Rome, via della Navicella, where formerly the Research Centre for the Study of Plant-Soil Relations (CREA-RPS) and the Research Unit for Agriculture-Applied Climatology and Meteorology (CREA-CMA) were based. CREA-AA includes also the researchers from the agro-economy department (formerly INEA) studying issues consistent with the Centre's mission.
The Florence Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology (CREA-ABP) moved from the palace in Piazza Massimo D'Azeglio to the headquarters of Cascine del Riccio, belonging to a different research Center (CREA-DC).
The same Research Centre AA embraces the Beekeeping and Bachiculture Research Unit (CREA-API) and those researchers from the Research Centre for Industrial Crops (CREA-CIN) in Bologna dealing with modelling.
CREA-AA includes also the Research Unit for Dry Farming Systems (CREA-SCA), based in Bari.
Source: Photo Fund of the National Historical Library of Agriculture Mipaaf (album 85 print 51)