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Expert virgin olive oils and table olives - Pescara


What's this

The Pescara office is institutionally responsible for the review of the first instance analyses on vegetable oils and fats carried out by the official control laboratories (Law 571/82). Based on the D.M. June 18, 2014 is also in charge of carrying out counter-analysis in case of arbitration for complaints relating to organoleptic determinations on virgin olive samples marketed nationally and internationally and to collaborate with the MiPAAFT-PIUEV at:

  • recognition of the Panel of Official and Professional tasters of virgin olive oil at national level;
  • verification of the requirements for maintaining the recognition of the Panel of Official and Professional tasters;
  • authorization to carry out training courses for Panel Leader at national level.


Luciana Di Giacinto:

  • Since 1992 member of the Tasting Committee of the former Experimental Institute for Elaiotechnics (today CREA-IT-PE) for the organoleptic evaluation (Panel test) of virgin olive oils, recognized by MiPAAF, EU and IOC.
  • Since 1 January 2007 Head of the tasting committee of the former CRA-ISEL (today CREA-IT-PE). Since 1 April 2011, responsible for the activities referred to in the Ministerial Decree of 30 July 2003 and related circulars. Since April 27, 2012, responsible for the activities referred to in Ministerial Decree no. 1334 of 28/02/2012. Since 29 August 2014, responsible for the activities as per Ministerial Decree of 18/06/2014.
  • Since 2/08/2012 member of the Evaluation Committee as per art. 9 of Ministerial Decree no. 1334 of 28/02/2012 - Departmental Decree no. 4523 of 2 August 2012. - On 29/05/2017 confirmation as a member of the Commission referred to in art. 9 of Ministerial Decree no. 18/06/2014. Departmental Decree no. 3028 of 29/05/2017.
  • Member of the Management Committee of the National Register of Experts in Honey Sensory Analysis as per Ministerial Decree no. 21547 of 28 May 1999 as amended, renewal of Prot. no. 28737 of 7/07/2017.
  • Since 2009 member of the National Competition Committee Ercole Olivario.
  • Confirmation of chemical expert to the European Commission for international meetings. Letter Prot. N. 6190 of 11/11/2015 of MiPAAF-PIUEV.


Dr. Barbara Lanza is the deputy panel leader of the Tasting Committee of CREA-IT-PE for the organoleptic evaluation (Panel test) of virgin olive oils, recognized by MiPAAF, EU and IOC. She is the panel leader of the Tasting Committee of CREA-IT-PE for the organoleptic evaluation (Panel test) of table olives. She is a chemical expert at the European Commission for international meetings (Letter Prot. N. 6190 of 11/11/2015 of the MiPAAF-PIUEV). She is an expert in olive oil chemistry and standards (CT.R.9 / Doc. N ° 2 / annexe DT3.1) appointed by the International Olive Council for the following WGs: Organoleptic assessment of table olives; table olive standards; nutritional composition of table olives. She is a member of the Olive and Oil Working Group of Italian Society for Horticultural Science (SOI) and of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the national competition for the best table olives (MONNAOLIVA).

What is it for

The institutional activities, as such, and the expertise of CREA staff are made available to the State.

Who is it for

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and other national and international bodies.

Useful links


Luciana Di Giacinto

Barbara Lanza