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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

It carries out activities in the field of biosystems engineering, agroindustrial and food processing, especially of fruit and vegetables, cereals and olives, for the sustainable management of the agro-ecosystems, agricultural, agro-food and agro-industrial sectors.

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Titolo Notizie

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Agricoltura di precisione: call for abstract sulla sensoristica in combinazione con l’Intelligenza Artificiale

Special Issue dal titolo "Innovative Imaging Sensors Combined with Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Support Precision Agriculture" della rivista Sensors (IF= 3.847) di cui sono Guest Editor Francesca Antonucci, Simona Violino (CREA – Ingegneria e Trasformazioni agroalimentari), Roberto Ciccoritti (CREA – Olivicoltura, Frutticoltura e Agrumicoltura) e Loredana Canfora (CREA – Agricoltura e Ambiente) 

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Agricoltura di precisione: al CREA Ingegneria e Trasformazioni Agroalimentari l'award “miglior paper 2021”, il premio annuale della rivista Electronics alle migliori ricerche scientifiche pubblicate 

«Un risultato questo, che sottolinea l'importanza della ricerca in agricoltura di precisione. Occorre dare al settore, pressato da sfide epocali, come quella imposta dai cambiamenti climatici, risposte urgenti e operative» così Paolo Menesatti, Direttore del centro di Ingegneria e Trasformazioni Agroalimentari commenta il prestigioso riconoscimento 

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Kiwi death: the CREA study on The Japan Agri News

The Japanese newspaper, with over 300,000 views, interested in the CREA study on the factors triggering the kiwi death

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Titolo Eventi

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Director of the Center

Paolo Menesatti


ORCID: 0000-0001-8225-1724

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The Three-Year Research Plan 2021-2023


The Three-Year Research Plan 2021-2023

CREA's three-year activities plan contains the ten-year strategic vision and operational planning of both the Body in general and the individual Research Centres in particular and is updated annually.

It is prepared by the Scientific Council, adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism.

Discover the Three-Year Plan of CREA


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The history of the center_def


The history of the center

The Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing was established as part of the CREA reorganization in May 2017, through the aggregation of 6 territorial structures: Monterotondo (RM), Treviglio (BG), Rome (Inviolatella), Milan, Turin and Pescara.

The offices in Monterotondo and Treviglio, formerly Agriculture Mechanization Experimental Institute and then transformed into the Agricultural Engineering Research Unit in 1999, mainly deal with agricultural engineering. The Rome-Inviolatella site, with competences on different quality aspects of cereal production, including agronomic yield,  phytopathological, health and safety-related issues (mycotoxins) and, in particular, on technological process and quality of cereals, derives from the Experimental Institute for Cereal Research (ISC - 1967), even before the National Institute of Genetics for Cereal Crops in Rome founded in 1919 by Nazareno Strampelli.

The structure of Milan, with main skills in the transformation and conservation of fruit and vegetables, originates from the Research Unit for the processes of the agro-food industry deriving from the Experimental Institute for Agricultural Products Technologies originated in 1967, former Experimental Station of Refrigeration founded in 1919.

The Pescara office, which deals with the evaluation of the oil and table olives, originates from the Research Center for Olive Growing and Olive Oil Industry, formerly Experimental Institute for Olive Oil Technology since 1968 and Royal Experimental Station for Olive Growing and Oil Mill since 1931.

The Turin office was born as a peripheral research group in 2004 of the Research Center for the Soil-Plant System by the previous organization.