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Asset Publisher
Italian Fruit and Vegetable Society (SOI) - Monterotondo, RM
What's this
Dr. Paolo Menesatti, Corrado Costa, Federico Pallottino, Simone Figorilli and Francesca Antonucci are members of the post-harvest group of the Italian Fruit and Vegetable Society (SOI).
What is it for
Since its founding in 1953, the Italian Fruit and Vegetable Growing Society (SOI) has been working to develop scientific and technical cooperation between the world of research, entrepreneurs and professionals in the horticultural and fruit and vegetable sector, affecting with its actions and activities a large sector of agriculture that includes fruit and wood tree crops, vegetable plants, flower crops, ornamental plants, nursery, turf and landscape management and protection of green spaces, with the ultimate goal of promoting its progress and diffusion.
Who is it for?
World of research, entrepreneurs and professionals in the horticultural and fruit and vegetable sector.