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National Agrifood Cluster (CL.A.N.) - Milano
What's this
Dr. Tiziana MP Cattaneo is a member of the National Agrifood Cluster (CL.A.N.), in particular of the Trajectory 5 "Machinery and plants for the food industry" working group. The CL.A.N. It is a partnership of companies, research centers, territorial representatives and relevant stakeholders of the agri-food chain born to promote sustainable economic growth, based on research and innovation, and to propose itself as a single interlocutor of national and European institutions.
What is it for
The National Technology Clusters have been promoted in order to generate platforms of permanent dialogue between the public research system and businesses consistent with the priorities of "Horizon 2020". Today they represent an important intermediate infrastructure which is entrusted with the tasks of fostering public / private research cooperation in the field of innovation and technological development, of rebuilding national policies in sectors of strategic interest and of promoting the smart specialization of the territories.
Who is it for
Research world, public and private companies.
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