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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Asset Publisher

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Treviglio


What's this

Eng. Maurizio Cutini is the CREA-IT representative at the OECD in relation to the harmonization and research activities on agricultural and forestry tractors. The OECD was established with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Convention, signed on December 14, 1960, and entered into force on September 30, 1961, replacing the OECE, created in 1948 to administer the so-called "Marshall Plan." for the post-war reconstruction of the European economy.

What is it for

The OECD objectives, which aim to achieve higher levels of economic growth in the light of the concept of sustainable development, employment, living standards, promoting investment and competitiveness and maintaining financial stability, are also geared towards contributing to development of non-member countries. These objectives are pursued through various activities such as the identification of common principles, the preparation of agreements with binding value and Conventions; data collection and harmonization; the preparation of national and comparative studies; country exams according to the "peer review" method, or "peer review"; preparatory activities and follow-up to high-level international meetings, the definition of guidelines and coordination of development cooperation policies through the Development Assistance Committee (DAC).

Who is it for

Research world, public and private companies.

Useful links


Maurizio Cutini

+39 0363 49603