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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Asset Publisher

Qualitative characterization and transformation of cereals and derivatives for third party activities


What's this

The Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing, Rome laboratories, carries out quality analysis cereals and derivatives for third parties’ activities.

What is it for

The activity concerns qualitative characterization of cereals and derived products, according to official methods, as well as the main first and second transformation processes. The Center is equipped with a technological platform which includes pilot plants for grinding durum and soft wheat, pilot plant for pasta making (experimental press and drying cells at low and high temperature).

Delivery mode

The applicant requests the activity specifying the number of samples and the analyzes. The quotation estimated on the basis of the Center price list no. 2017/1 for activities on analysis of cereals and derivatives (prot. N. 26141 of 18/07/2017), must be signed by the applicant for acceptance. The samples, sent by the applicants at their own expense, are recorded on arrival and then analyzed. The analytical results are transmitted through an official report. The invoice of the third party activities of the Center of Rome is issued periodically every 3 months.

Who is it for

The activities are generally required by private customers, public institutions, sector associations and consortia.

Sede di competenza

Centro di ricerca Ingegneria e Trasformazioni agroalimentari, CREA-IT, sede di Roma, via Manziana n. 30, 00189.


Dott.ssa Gabriella Aureli

+39 06 3295705 253