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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Vibrating bench for tractor testing (Treviglio, BG)

Vibrating bench for tractor testing (Treviglio, BG)


It performs research on the transmission of vibrations to the entire body of the operators. Innovative methods have been developed on the evaluation of operator comfort and systems have been studied to mitigate the effects of vibrations on drivers. Analysis of the effects on the mechanical structures and materials (fatigue) of agricultural machines and their components are also performed. It is the only Italian public laboratory equipped with this equipment and one of the few in Europe. For this reason, it also provides technical-scientific advice to manufacturers and other national and international, public and private research bodies.

For further information please refer to:

Carlo Bisaglia (Treviglio headquarters)

Page update Banco vibrante per testing trattori (Treviglio, BG)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02 Apr 2019

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