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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Laboratory for microbial biotechnologies applied to agriculture and agro-food processing (Turin)

Laboratory for microbial biotechnologies applied to agriculture and agro-food processing (Turin)


In this laboratory research activities for the use of selected microorganisms in agricultural and agro-food processing systems are carried out, aimed at improving the sustainability of the processes and the quality of the products. Main research lines: improvement of the plant’s resistance and resilience to abiotic and biotic stress and of the quality and shelf-life of products; development of fermentation processes for agro-food processing and for the valorisation of agricultural and agro-industrial wastes and effluents. The laboratory is equipped with instruments for microbiological research (biofermenter, optical/fluorescence microscopy) and for chemical analysis (HPLC with UV/Vis and fluorescence detector, GC-FID, OxiTester Foodlab, spectrophotometer).

For further information please refer to:

Laura Bardi (Torino headquarters)

Page update Laboratorio di biotecnologie microbiche applicate all’agricoltura e all’agroindustria (Torino)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02 Apr 2019

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