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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

Counter-analysis laboratory (Pescara)

Counter-analysis laboratory (Pescara)


The laboratory is institutionally entrusted of the control of first instance analysis performed on vegetable oils and fats from official control laboratory. Official sensory laboratory recognized by MiPAAF and the International Olive Oil Council. Chemical laboratory recognized by the International Olive Council. The laboratory performs on payment analysis and legal assessments to establish vegetable oils and fats samples authenticity at national and international level. Control of marketed olive oils and olive pomace oils related to the annual programs of the International Olive Council. Expert opinions for the verification of the authenticity of samples of vegetable oils and fats. Participation in Ring tests for the verification of methods applicable to olive oils and olive-pomace oils. Participation in correlation circuits organized by the INNOVHUB- SSOG of Milan.

For further information please refer to:

Luciana Di Giacinto (Pescara headquarters)

Page update Laboratorio di revisione analisi (Pescara, PE)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02 Apr 2019

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