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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Laboratory for the mechanization development for the biomass collection and management from dedicated crops and agro-forestry residues (Monterotondo, RM)

Laboratory for the mechanization development for the biomass collection and management from dedicated crops and agro-forestry residues (Monterotondo, RM)


Analysis of the performance of construction sites and commercial machines through the study of working times, consumption, losses and of the quality of the collected biomass, in compliance with international standards and protocols. Development of prototypes and mechanical innovations for the containment of biomass collection and management costs and for the improvement of its characteristics. Study and optimization of logistics and biomass storage to support innovative supply chains for bio-products and bioenergy. Transfer of results to developing countries.

For further information please refer to:

Paolo Menesatti (Monterotondo headquarters)

Page update Laboratorio di sviluppo della meccanizzazione nella raccolta e gestione di biomassa proveniente da colture dedicate e residui agro-forestali (Monterotondo, RM)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Apr 2019

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