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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing

Laboratory of table olives (Pescara)

Laboratory of table olives (Pescara)


Isolation and characterization of oleuropeinolytic strains of Lactobacillus plantarum to be used as starter in the microbiological debittering of table olives and their preservation in the Center's Microorganisms Collection. Study of the structural characteristics and modifications of the olive fruit during ripening, induced by biotic and/or abiotic stress and technological treatments (debittering, fermentation, pasteurization, etc.) using optical and scanning electron microscopy (Philips SEM XL20 equipped with secondary and back scattered electron detectors and Scandium software for Image Analysis). Sensory evaluation of table olives and participation in the ring tests of the International Olive Council for the development of the Method for the Sensory Analysis of Table Olives (COI / OT / MO No 1).

For further information contact the referent:

Luciana Di Giacinto (Pescara headquarters)

Page update Laboratorio olive da mensa (Pescara, PE)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 02 Apr 2019

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