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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Laboratory for biomass characterization and chemical-physical analysis of gaseous pollutants (Monterotondo, RM)

Laboratory for biomass characterization and chemical-physical analysis of gaseous pollutants (Monterotondo, RM)


The Experimental Activities Laboratory - Renewable Energy from Biomass (LAS-ER-B), involves the biomass characterization and the study of the gaseous effluents emitted by energy transformation processes, by agricultural and zootechnical activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (CO2, CH4, NH3 e N2O). The chemical-physical and energetic characterization allows to determine: the content of humidity, ash, the ash melting point, the C, H, N, S, O content and the upper and lower calorific value. The study of emissions and the monitoring of transformation processes (pyrolysis, gasification, combustion and anaerobic digestion) is carried out by means of: thermodesorbent coupled to the gas chromatograph (TD-GC/MS-QQQ) for the determination of organic micropollutants (IPA, PCB, PCDD/F, VOC); microGC for the determination of CO, CO2, N2, H2, CH4, O2 in gas mixtures; mass spectrometer with plasma torch (ICP-MS) for the determination of inorganic micropollutants; SOx, CO, CO2, NOx e O2 analyzer; flame ionization detector for the determination of TOCs and VOCs; HPLC-UV for the analysis of organic compounds in liquid matrix; TGA for thermogravimetric analysis; electron scanning microscope (SEM) and ion chromatograph (IC).

For further information please refer to:

Paolo Menesatti (Monterotondo headquarters)

Laboratorio per la caratterizzazione della biomassa e l’analisi chimico-fisica degli inquinanti gassosi (Monterotondo, RM)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Apr 2019

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