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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Laboratory for the determination of airborne dust generated by agricultural activities (Monterotondo, RM)

Laboratory for the determination of airborne dust generated by agricultural activities (Monterotondo, RM)


The laboratory is devoted to the study of drift and dispersion of dangerous dust for agricultural operators and for the environment (soil dust, wood dust, dust containing plant protection products). Dust can be determined by using medium volume ambient samplers and "personal" samplers, both equipped with different cutting heads and filter membranes and by particle laser counter.

A special interest is dedicated to performance assessment of precision seed drills that emit dust resulting from the abrasion of dressed seeds. For these studies, a facility (wind tunnel) is available, allowing the study of the dust drift under controlled conditions.

For further information please refer to:

Paolo Menesatti (Monterotondo headquarters)

Page update Laboratorio per la determinazione di polveri areodisperse generate da attività agricole (Monterotondo, RM)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Apr 2019

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