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Engineering and Agro-Food Processing


Laboratory of cereals processing and pasta quality (Rome - Inviolatella)

Laboratory of cereals processing and pasta quality (Rome - Inviolatella)


The Laboratory is structured according to the following areas:

  • technological, rheological and sensorial assessment of cereals and derivative products: assessment of the aptitude for processing of flours obtained by different cereals, durum wheat in particular, and their intended use. The laboratory is equipped with: Chopin alveograph, Brabender Farinograph, Mixolab, Glutomatic System, Glutograph, Falling Number, Minolta Colorimeter, Single Kernel Characterization System, TAXT2 structure analyzer. Sensory analysis of pasta (panel test).

  • processing of cereals: development of protocols suitable for processing of different cereals such as durum and common wheat, minor cereals and gluten free. The laboratory is equipped with tools for the screening of kernels; pilot plants for grinding; pilot plant for pasta making (experimental press and drying cell at low and high temperature); pilot plant for bread making (mixers, leavening chamber, ovens); pilot plants for debranning, micronization and air-classification.

  • biochemical and health characterization of raw materials and cereal processing products: qualitative and quantitative assessment of the nutritional and bioactive components of cereals and identification and quantification of organic contaminants. The laboratory is equipped with: electrophoresis devices for one and two-dimensional analysis, Fibertec, equipment for the Kjeldhal and Dumas method, gas-chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer, Basic Robotic Immunoassay Operator equipped with photometer, equipment for molecular analysis (PCR, sequencer, automatic DNA extractor, hybridization oven, blotting equipment).

  • phytopathological analysis: instruments for the phytopathological analysis of wheat grains intended for the first and second processing steps regarding both natural and artificial infection. The equipment includes laminar flow hoods, climate cell, autoclave, stereomicroscope and optical microscope.

For further information please refer to:

Gabriela Aureli (Rome headquarters – Inviolatella)


Page update Laboratorio per la trasformazione dei cereali e la qualità della pasta (Roma - Inviolatella)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Apr 2019

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