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Laboratory for tests of driving and operating machines and agricultural tires: safety and performance (Monterotondo, RM)
Laboratory for tests of driving and operating machines and agricultural tires: safety and performance (Monterotondo, RM)
This laboratory, called CPMA (Agricultural Machinery Test Center) was accredited by ACCREDIA, from 2010 to 2014, as a quality-tested test laboratory in compliance with the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 standard. It has: equipped and sensorized agricultural tractors and with different power range based on the request of the operating machines to be tested; series of sensors for detecting dynamic-energy parameters indicative of machine performance; microprocessor data acquisition systems and radio frequency remote management for the remote transmission, at high speed, of the signals coming from the sensors installed on the tractor; mobile test bench for field tests of agricultural tires and tractors; dynamometric vehicle for measuring the traction force required by the machining; mobile laboratory; electronics laboratory; instrumental chains for detecting the noise emitted by operating machines, the level of vibration transmitted to the hand-arm system and to the whole body and,finally for detecting microclimatic parameters and for evaluating thermal comfort for operator in moderate environments and the WBGT and PHS indexes in severe-warm environments.
For further information please refer to:
Paolo Menesatti (Monterotondo headquarters)
- +39 06 90675 243