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Smart Brewing Lab: Laboratory of innovative and digital technologies for transformations in the beer supply chain (Monterotondo, RM)
Smart Brewing Lab: Laboratory of innovative and digital technologies for transformations in the beer supply chain (Monterotondo, RM)
The laboratory conducts activities related to technological innovations for the brewing chain. In particular, it involves: research and development actions for process efficiency and innovation (transformations) and product innovation; development and introduction of digital, smart and IoT technologies; systems based on advanced sensors and the integration of web and mobile based data; studies for the scale-up of the technologies identified on pilot plants to production plants. It can also carry out consultancy activities for: development of innovative products; support in the design and setup of new systems; training activities for brewing transformations.
For further information please refer to:
Paolo Menesatti (Monterotondo headquarters)
- +39 06 90675 243