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Citrus phytopathological analysis service
What's this
The service, which is carried out by CREA - Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops (CREA-OFA), enables analyses to be carried out for varietal recognition and phytosanitary analyzes on the Citrus genus and related genera. The service is provided for payment at the CRA-OFA facilities. The diagnostic service is provided to private and public users only after signing an agreement, with subsequent written request with a description of the type of sample and correct quantities.
The Center receives the sample at the laboratory and delivers the regularly recorded results by post or by hand to the applicant. In the only case in which the company-farm, in which the analyzes are to be carried out, is of any interest for the research activity (areas of new virus settlement where the appearance of pathogens or isolates not widespread in the territory is presumed) the staff of the Center may participate in the sampling.
In the case of the analysis service for varietal recognition, given that it involves not only analysis of the fruit but of the whole plant in general (leaf, habit, presence of any mutations on parts of the crown, etc.), the first analyses are carried out. in the field and, subsequently, the fruits are taken to the pomology laboratory for routine analyses, which follow the same procedure as the previous phytosanitary analyses.
Delivery mode
The service activities carried out by CREA-OFA for third parties are carried out exclusively on written request and through agreements, the service is also essential for our "self-audit" of the European Certification sector.
Who is it for?
The type of user who requests our services relating to phytosanitary analyzes consists of: nursery organizations, regional phytosanitary services, private companies, other Research Structures not equipped with accredited laboratories, subject to the stipulation of specific agreements.
Place of competence
CREA Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops (CREA OFA) Corso Savoia 190 - Acireale (CT) 95024