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Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops
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Research activities
Research activities
The Centre deals with tree crops: fruit, citrus and olive trees. It carries out research activities for the improvement of the supply chains, developing technologies for genetic improvement, genomics, propagation, sustainability of production and the quality of fruits and derivatives, including the valorization of by-products. It ensures the conservation, characterization and enhancement of fruit, citrus and olive collections.
Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops includes the offices of Rende, Rome, Acireale, Caserta, Forlì and Spoleto.
Variety innovations through traditional genetic improvement and new biotechnologies and the enhancement of agrobiodiversity to support sustainable and quality in fruit, citrus and olive production chains.
Innovations in production methods with particular reference to the digitisation and optimisation of cultivation operations
Implementation of agro-ecological techniques in organic fruit farming
Integrated systems for crop protection
Quality, traceability, trackability and valorization of pre- and post-harvest production
Research programme 2018/2020 - Centre's objectives
Research programme 2018/2020 - Centre's objectives
Thematic workshops
Laboratory of Fruit Quality and Agri-Food Technologies (Acireale, Caserta, Forlì, Rende, Roma)
The research activity identifies tools and methodologies to study and guarantee quality, origin and provenance of products (from integrated or organi... [Read all]
Traceability and Trackability Laboratory (Acireale, Rende)
The laboratory is a cutting-edge example for the creation of representative and statistically valid databases, according to chemometric classificatio... [Read all]
Laboratory of microbiology and nanotechnology (Rende)
The laboratory carries out activities of characterization, isolation and preservation of microbiomes obtained from native olive soils and drupes of o... [Read all]
Laboratory of Phytopathological Analysis (Acireale)
The laboratory is authorised by the Regional Department of Agriculture and Forestry of the Sicily Region with D. D. G. n. 3172 of 20/12/2007 to carry... [Read all]
Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics (Acireale, Caserta, Forlì, Rende, Roma)
Research involves the study of the sequence of plant genome, transcriptome and metabolome, epigenetic mechanisms and host-parasite interactions in or... [Read all]
In vitro culture and micropropagation laboratory (Acireale, Forlì, Rende, Roma)
The research activity is carried out in the fields of micropropagation, in vitro conservation of olive and fruit germplasm ("slow growth" and cryopre... [Read all]
Laboratory for Conservation, Characterization and Valorization of Fruit, Olive and Citrus Biodiversity (Acireale, Caserta, Forlì, Rende, Roma, Spoleto)
The laboratory is intended to safeguard, document and enhance the rich heritage of fruit, olive and citrus germplasm selected in Italy over the centu... [Read all]
Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Variety Evaluation (Acireale, Caserta, Forlì, Rende, Roma, Spoleto)
The Centre is internationally recognized for the establishment of more than 200 cultivars of stone fruits, pome fruits, citrus fruits (industrial and... [Read all]
Crop Protection Laboratory (Acireale, Caserta, Rende, Roma)
Research involves the development of innovative methods for the monitoring, identification, characterization and containment of diseases and phytopha... [Read all]
Laboratory of Agroecology (Acireale, Forlì, Roma, Spoleto)
Research activities aim to identify and optimize new approaches needed to implement a resilient agriculture that can deal with climate change and gua... [Read all]
Research infrastructures
Platform for the Study of Plant Physiology (Acireale, Caserta, Rende, Rome, Spoleto)
Il Centro possiede serre con camera di propagazione, camera climatizzata idonea allo svolgimento dei saggi di valutazione del germoplasma in ambiente... [Read all]
Sequencing platform (Acireale, Forli, Rende, Rome)
È presente una piattaforma per l’ottenimento e l’analisi di dati ottenuti da sequenziamento NGS e SANGER, Sequenziatore Beckman CEQ8800, Sequenziator... [Read all]
Long Term Experimental Devices (Acireale, Rome)
Il Centro dispone nelle varie sedi dispositivi Sperimentali di Lungo Periodo (DSLP) per condurre attività di ricerca e divulgazione inerenti la diver... [Read all]
Technological Platform (Acireale, Forlì, Rende, Rome)
Il Centro è dotato di una piattaforma tecnologica per l’indagine analitica dei metaboliti primari e secondari e la tracciabilità e rintracciabilità d... [Read all]
Voluntary Certification System (Acireale, Forlì)
Il CREA-OFA Sede di Forlì è stato riconosciuto dal MIPAAFT “Centro di Conservazione per la Premoltiplicazione (CCP) e Centro di Premoltiplicazione (C... [Read all]
Varietal Collections (Acireale, Caserta, Forlì, Rende, Rome)
Le diverse aziende curate dalla sede di Acireale, ospitano in totale più di 12.000 piante di agrumi di diverse varietà. Inoltre, la sede di Acireale ... [Read all]
Testing Centre (Acireale)
Il Centro di Testing per l’Industria dei Derivati Agrumari di Acireale è un Padiglione tecnologico ed ha lo scopo di promuovere servizi specializzati... [Read all]
Greenhouses (Acireale, Forlì, Rende, Rome)
All’interno dell’Azienda S. Salvatore ad Acireale sono presenti strutture protette (serre ed ombrai) in cui vengono allevati ibridi di agrumi derivan... [Read all]
The history of the Centre
The history of the Centre
The Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops (CREA-OFA) is a research centre belonging to the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. The structure brings together the centres previously referred to as fruit-growing centres (CREA-FRU Roma, CREA-FRC Caserta, CREA-FRF Forlì), citrus-growing centres (CREA-ACM Acireale) and olive-growing centres (CREA-OLI Rende/Spoleto).
Acireale office
In 1866 it was the seat of the “Comitato Agrario del Circondario di Acireale” and then the seat of the “Regia Stazione Sperimentale di Frutticoltura e Agrumicoltura”. In 1967, the Royal Station became the “Experimental Institute for Agriculture”. Since 2007 the Institute has become “Research Centre for Agronomic and Mediterranean Crops (ACM)". Since 2017 it is seat of the CREA Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops research centre.
Rende office
In 1968, the Institute for Experimental Olive growing was established in Cosenza, with peripheral operating locations in Spoleto and Palermo. From October 1st, 2004, the Experimental Institute became a Research Centre for Olive and Oil Industry with a directorate placed in Rende, instead of Cosenza. Later, Città Sant’angelo (PE) was added to the peripheral office located in Spoleto. With this reform the newborn Centre was able to reacquire some of the activities that it had gained in 1899, following the relocation of the ‘Regio Frantoio Sperimentale’ from Palmi.
Since 2017, the Centre has been part of CREA-OFA, to which the competences of Rende are related. Rende remains the seat of election for olive growing studies as well as the administrative seat of the whole Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops Research Centre.
Roma office
The CREA-OFA of Rome was founded as the Institute of Fruit Growing and Electrogenetics in 1927. In 1955 the Institute became the Experimental Institute for Fruit Growing in Rome, integrating the three peripheral sections of Trento, Forli and Caserta. The 1999 reform established the Council for Agricultural Research (CRA) which transformed the Institute into a Research Centre for Fruit Agriculture. The most recent reorganization of the research institution in 2017 gave rise to the creation of the CREA-OFA, to which the former Fruit Growing Centre of Rome currently belongs.
Caserta office
In 1860 it was the seat of the Agricultural Institute for the research and study of agricultural science and the Experimental Agricultural Garden and in 1939 of the Zootechnical Dairy Institute for Southern Italy. In 1967 it became an operative section of the Experimental Institute for Fruit Growing in Rome. In 2007 it became a Research Unit for Fruit Growing and in 2015 it was organized as a Research Unit for Fruit Growing in Caserta (CREA-FRC). Since 2017 it is one of the five offices of CREA-OFA.
Forlì office
In 1872 it was the seat of the Agricultural Experimental station of Forlì and in 1910 of the Self-sufficient Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry. In 1967 the Laboratory was turned into the Peripheral Operative Section of the Experimental Institute for Fruit Growing in Rome.
In 2007 it became a Research Unit for Fruit Growing, in 2015 a Research Unit for Fruit Growing in Forlì (CREA-FRF) and since 2017 it is one of the five CREA-OFA offices.