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Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops


Laboratory for Conservation, Characterization and Valorization of Fruit, Olive and Citrus Biodiversity

Laboratory for Conservation, Characterization and Valorization of Fruit, Olive and Citrus Biodiversity


The laboratory is intended to safeguard, document and enhance the rich heritage of fruit, olive and citrus germplasm selected in Italy over the centuries. 
The conservation of the native varieties is carried out mainly in vivo, in the various collections of the Centre, but partly also in vitro. In particular, native varieties often show features of high rusticity and environmental adaptability, which have become very important parameters in a global context of rapid climate change.

The agronomic and pomologic characterisation of accessions is carried out with species-specific descriptors defined internationally and documented in databases maintained at all locations. Valorization takes place with pomological exhibitions open to the public and with breeding actions aimed to transfer their best traits into modern cultivars.

For more information, please contact:

Giuseppe Russo (Acireale office)

Milena Petriccione (Caserta office)

Gianluca Baruzzi (Forlì office)

Enzo Perri (Rende office)

Ignazio Verde (Rome office)

Page update Laboratory for Conservation, Characterization and Valorization of Fruit, Olive and Citrus Biodiversity

Last update: 28 Dec 2020

For further information, please contact: