Board of experts
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- Titolari di incarichi dirigenziali amministrativi di vertice
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Competition notices keyboard_arrow_down
- Scholarships and research grants
- Fixed-term position
- Permanent position
- Bandi di legge 68/99 – Categorie protette
- Bandi di attivazione tirocini 68/99 – Categorie protette
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Bandi di gara e contratti keyboard_arrow_down
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- Informazioni sulle singole procedure in formato tabellare
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- Atti delle amministrazioni aggiudicatrici e degli enti aggiudicatori distintamente per ogni procedura di affidamento
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- Atti relativi ai contratti attivi di valorizzazione della proprietà intellettuale dell'Ente
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Controlli e rilievi sull'amministrazione keyboard_arrow_down
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Board of experts
Board of experts
CREA avails itself of a register of experts for the appointment of the members of the commissions related to the recruitment of the Directors of the Centers and of researchers and technologists, as well as for other obligations established by the Board of Directors.
To this end, a new software has been adopted for registration in and management of the Register. Interested in registering are invited to send their application for admission by completing the registration form available online at the following link:
Those who cannot use the software can apply by filling out the attached form, which should be sent by e-mail to
More information in the attached Vademecum.