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Genomics and Bioinformatics


Advanced genomic platform

Advanced genomic platform


The Centre has an advanced genomic platform including robotic systems for nucleic acid extraction and sample management, tools for the evaluation of the quality / quantity of nucleic acids, thermocyclers, multicapillary sequencer, next generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq), qPCR systems, HRM-PCR, digital-PCR, mass spectrometer (ESI-MS / MS), HPLC, systems for purification separation and characterization of proteins as well as advanced bioinformatics capacities.
Furthermore, there are laboratories for in vitro cultures and for plant transformation with biolistic method or by agrobacterium for cereals and horticultural crops.

During 2020 a high capacity platform for SNP analysis (IntelliQube) will be installed.

Page update Piattaforma strumentale per la genomica

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01 Apr 2019

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