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Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
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- Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
The Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy develops cognitive and interpretative analyses of economic and social dynamics related to the agri-food, forestry and fisheries sectors. The main institutional activity is the analysis on the trend of the agro-food system, the in-depth analysis of the sector and the analysis of the functioning of the supply chains. See the institutional brochure of the Centre.
It represents the liaison body between Italy and the EU for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), which is a collection of original and detailed socio-economic information on a sample of farms, classified on the basis of a common typology. Initially created for cognitive needs on the economic functioning of agricultural enterprises, over time, the FADN has become an indispensable support for the definition and management of agricultural policies.
It is the implementing body of the National Rural Network Programme (NRN) which accompanies the implementation of European rural development policy through systemic actions aimed at improving the capacity building of the administrations involved, animation and information activities aimed at achieving the informed participation of stakeholders on Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) issues, through communication tools aimed at civil society and networking paths for the comparison between relevant actors at territorial and sectoral level.
The Centre participates in the Operational Plan for Agriculture (POA) with technical-scientific support activities for the programming of irrigation investments, the transposition of the EU legislation on the subject and the synergistic integration with environmental policies, national and regional policies.
The Research Centre provides technical and scientific support to public and private institutions and is engaged in various thematic areas of study, which are articulated in numerous research projects, many of which are conducted through collaborations with other institutional entities, universities, national and international research institutes, and also with private entities.
The Centre is the seat of the CREA Statistical Office.
Check the site's institutional brochure.
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L’evento di networking AKIS in action - Improving farmers’ position in the food value chain
AKIS in azione - Migliorare la posizione degli agricoltori nella catena del valore alimentare e consentire loro di avere un migliore accesso ai mercati, alle risorse e alle informazioni: non solo per migliorare i loro mezzi di sussistenza, ma anche per contribuire alla sicurezza alimentare e alla crescita economica.
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Acqua e Suolo: il contributo del CREA al Libro Bianco del Verde
“Grazie ai nostri provvedimenti, come il “Decreto siccità” della scorsa estate e il “Decreto innovazione” che mette a disposizione degli agricoltori, tramite il PNRR, 400 milioni di euro per modernizzare le aziende, abbiamo dato un segnale concreto perché la nostra agricoltura, e con questa l’intero settore del verde e del florovivaismo, acceleri la propria evoluzione verso modelli sostenibili, focalizzati, in primo luogo, sulla gestione consapevole ed ottimizzata della indispensabile risorsa acqua.” Così Luca De Carlo, presidente della IX Commissione del Senato in occasione del convegno di presentazione del LIBRO BIANCO DEL VERDE, con focus dedicato al tema dell'acqua, indispensabile per la salute del Pianeta, organizzato da Assoverde con Confagricoltura, in collaborazione con il CREA e svoltosi ieri giovedì 7 marzo a Roma.
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“Romacereali”: il contributo del CREA alla definizione degli scenari
Presentato il rapporto “Romacereali” al seminario internazionale sul comparto cerealicolo, organizzato dalla Camera di Commercio di Roma in collaborazione con il CREA Politiche e Bioeconomia.
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from 15
Oct 2024
hour 10:00
to 15 Oct 2024Primo appuntamento del secondo ciclo del Web Talk di Agricoltura Sociale
from 04
Nov 2024
hour 10:00
to 04 Nov 2024Le Associazioni Fondiarie in Italia: una nuova opportunità per le aree interne del Paese
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Director of the Center
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The Three-Year Research Plan 2021-2023
The Three-Year Research Plan 2021-2023
CREA's three-year activities plan contains the ten-year strategic vision and operational planning of both the Body in general and the individual Research Centres in particular and is updated annually.
It is prepared by the Scientific Council, adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism.
Discover the Three-Year Plan of CREA
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History of CREA – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy
History of the centre
The origin of CREA Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy dates back to the merging of INEA (National Institute of Agricultural Economics) with CREA (Council for Agricultural Research and Economics). INEA was founded by Arrigo Serpieri in 1928, with Royal Decree n. 1418 of 10th May 1928, aimed at carrying out surveys and studies of agricultural and forestry economy, following the changes of the new Italian agro-industrial system.
Since the 1930s onwards, the versatility of the Institute is witnessed by a set of important inquiries, representing the first steps of the applied social sciences in our Country in the post-war period, period of the agricultural reform. In the 1960s, its extraordinary versatility was instead evidenced by an active involvement in the setting-upof the CAP’s cognitive tools.
The Centre has offices in all Italian regions.This allows to foster significantlythe promotion of a culture on the agrarian accountancy, at a national level,as it represents the liaison between the Italian State and the European Commission in the creation and management of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
In the 1970s, it suffered the crisis of the entire agricultural sector.However, between the end of the 80s and the beginning of the following decade, it gained a new centrality thanks to its ability to capture the spirit of the new CAP.The Centre has therefore assimilated, in the economic-agricultural research, the major themes of environment, sustainability, natural resources and local development, then transposed by the new Statute of 2005 and by the following regulations.
In this phase, the Institute has gained an ever-increasing visibility at community, national and regional institutions, thanks to an intense support activity to policy decisions and analysis of the socio-economic contexts in the development of the primary sector and of the agri-food system. As from 2015, INEA was therefore merged into CREA, with its rich cultural and professional background. Today CREA is the major agricultural research Institute in Italy and one of the most important in Europe.