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Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy

Centre's Review

Italian Review of Agricultural Economics - REA



The Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA - Rivista di Economia Agraria), is an International and Open Access journal issued every four months.

The Italian Review of Agricultural Economics publishes articles of economics and policies relating to agriculture, forestry, environment, agro-food sector and rural sociology.

The Review is issued with the collaboration between CREA and SIDEA (Italian Association of Agricultural Economics).

The articles undergo a double-blind peer review.

Paper submission and Editorial rules

Send us your article in English or Italian, both are welcome, at this mail:

Writing for REA needs to follow some rules, so please have a closer look here if you want to send us an article.

Editorial board

Editor in  Chief: Pietro Pulina

Co-Editor in Chief: Andrea Povellato

International Associate Editor: Pery Francisco Assis Shikida

Associate Editors: Filippo Altobelli, Filippo Brun, Anna Irene De Luca, Marcello De Rosa, Catia Zumpano

Managing Editor: Alessia Fantini


Since 2014, the articles are subject to an Open Access Policy, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge

The previous printed issues, from the foundation of the Review until 2013, are available for the consultation at the CREA Library, Via della Navicella 2/4, 00184 Rome, Italy.


Alessia Fantini

NRN Magazine

Magazine RRN

RRN Magazine is the four-monthly deepening magazine of “Pianeta PSR” (RDP Planet), the rural development's" financed by the Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry policies (MIPAAF) within the National Rural Network 2014-2020. The Magazine carries out an in-depth analysis of some strategical themes of the rural development policy in our Country and it is edited by CREA-Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, in collaboration with MIPAAF and ISMEA.

The previous numbers have dealt with:

Drafting and editorial design: Milena Verrascina (Responsible), Alessandro Monteleone, Barbara Zanetti, Annalisa Del Prete, Serena Tarangioli, Manuela Cicerchia, Antonio Papaleo, Danilo Marandola, Micaela Conterio, Barbara Forcina, Filiberto Altobelli, Roberta Ruberto, Sofia Mannozzi, Mario Cariello

Drafting support andproofreading: Fabiola Fagnani, Laura Guidarelli, Anna Lapoli

Articles undergo a review by the editors of the number and by the Editorial Committee. Authors are contacted by the Editorial Committee on the basis of the in-depth topics dealt with. Hard copies are available at CREA-Policies and Bioeconomy offices, Via Barberini 36 - 00187 Roma.


Redazione Magazine RRN