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Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy

CREA’s Statistical Office

CREA’s Statistical Office

Nowadays, CREA’s Statistical Office coordinates all statistical activities carried out by the Centre. CREA is included in the National Statistical System (SISTAN) and it currently participates to the National statistical programme (NSP) with many activities: Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN); the setting of Standard Output; the monitoring of the Italian regions’ agricultural spending; Annual Survey on the land market; Databank on agri-food trade; foreign trade of agri-food products; Survey on foreign workers in agriculture; ItaliaAgrometeo; Observatory on food surpluses, recoveries and food waste; 4th Study on Italian food consumptions.

The Statistical Office participates to the activities carried out by quality Circles (permanent work groups entrusted to planning and monitoring the official statistics); it also participates to the agriculture working group set up at CISIS – Interregional Centre for information, geographic and statistical systems, to the technical-scientific FADN-REA Committee and to the FADN national Committee.

The Office is also involved in international working groups (OCSE, Eurostat), in the Task Force “National Statistics Authority” and in the “Qual-Italy” working group, in the Task Force aimed at planning technical tools and launching the monitoring of the state of implementation of the Italian Code of Official Statistics, within the National Statistical System (SISTAN).

Within the Statistics Office, has been developed the new working group transversal to all CREA research centers, called Social Media Analytics in Agriculture - SMs-Agri, focused on the automatic analysis of textual Big-Data coming from social media on the web in Agriculture. To find out more, consult the website.

The Office handles the requests for elementary data within SISTAN and their processing within many research projects carried out by CREA.

CREA’s statistical office, in the framework of the National Statistical Programme and in accordance with the Three-year Research Plan, publishes the collection “Farm workers according to INPS data” made up of 21 annual publications dedicated to the workers of the primary sector. It represents a wide publication accompanied by 20 regional studies with detailed analysis at provincial level.



Iraj Namdarian +39 06 478 565 30 -
Concetta Cardillo +39 06 478 565 52 -

Office hours: from 10 am to 5 pm - from Monday to Friday.