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Institutional tables
What is
CREA-Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy participates in the main institutional tables and committees that are competent in the field of signing supply-chain agreements, in defining plans of restructuring of the supply chains themselves, as well as in dealing with all the related issues.
Hops supply chain
Serena Tarangioli represents the Centre, in her capacity of delegate.
Medicinal plants supply chain
Patrizia Borsotto, in her capacity of delegate, represents the Centre in the working group Economic Observatory and Statistical Data.
Floriculture supply chain
Patrizia Borsotto, in her capacity of expert, represents the Centre in the Steering Committe.
Nuts supply chain
Tatiana Castellotti, in her capacity of delegate, represents the Centre in all sections.
Wood supply chain
Raoul Romano, in his capacity of substitute component, represents the Centre in all sections.
Technical Editorial Group of the Innovation strategic Plan and research in the agro-food and forestry sector 2014-2020
The Centre provides support in the drafting of the Plan, made up of six thematic areas:
Area 1 – Sustainable increase of productivity, profitability and efficiency of resources in agro ecosystems; Area 2 – Climate change, biodiversity, functionality of soils and other ecological and social services of agriculture; Area 3 – Coordination and integration of supply-chain processes and strengthening of agriculture’s role; Area 4 – Quality, typicality and safety of foods and healthy lifestyles; Area 5 – Sustainable use of biological resources for energy and industrial purposes; Area 6 – Development and reorganization of the knowledge system for the agricultural, food and forestry sector
Delegates to representing the Centre as experts:
in Area 2: Francesca Giarè;
in Area 5: Zezza Annalisa;
in Area 6: Ines Di Paolo (Coordinatore Area 6).
Post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy
The Centre provides support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF) in the analysis and monitoring of the phases of the reform at the European Institutions, providing its own contribution also for the achievement of a shared position with Regions and the Autonomous Provinces for the development of a smart national agricultural sector, that might be resilient, sustainable and competitive and which might ensure, at the same time, an equitable and more targeted support to farmers’ income.
Many experts of the Centre participate, in their respective thematic fields, to the PAC’s technical-scientific Table that is coordinated by Anna Benedetti, scientific delegate of the Commissioner, and Roberto Henke, Director of CREA - Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy.
The Centre’s experts are the following:
- Raoul Romano: Mountainous forests and Agriculture;
- Francesco Mantino, Daniela Storti, Flavio Lupia: inland and disadvantaged areas;
- Guido Bonati, Maria Carmela Macrì: Air quality – greenhouse gas emissions;
- Raffaella Zucaro, Filiberto Altobelli: Water quality – effluents management (Nitrates Directive, Po-Veneto Valley Agreement, etc.);
- Danilo Marandola: Soil quality – sustainable management, organic carbon, fertilisers, etc.;
- Carla Abitabile, Laura Viganò, Andrea Arzeni: Organic farming;
- Danilo Marandola, Andrea Povellato: Defence, sustainable use of pesticides, etc.;
- Antonella Trisorio: Biodiversity;
- Maria Carmela Macrì: Animal health;
- Francesca Giarè, Carla Abitabile: Feeding, health, food waste;
- Stefano Fabiani, Annalisa Zezza: Renewable energies.
The Technical Table relies on the expertise of Alessandro Monteleone, as National Rural Network referent.
National fruit and vegetable Strategy 2018-2022
Centre’s researchers have collaborated to the draft of the document “National strategy for the acknowledge and control of fruit and vegetable producers’ organizations and their related associations, operational funds and operational programmes for the 2018-2022 period”.
Support to the Governance
In full compliance with the mission, the Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy carries out activities aimed at strengthening the support to Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF) and other public Administrations (at various levels, national, regional and EU ones) in order to plan the policies in the respective sectors, for spreading research results to stakeholders and providing support to the governance.