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National Rural Network (NRN)
What is
The National Rural Network is funded within the EU rural development policy with the aim of supporting and guiding the implementation of the RDPs in Italy. In this context, CREA carries out actions aimed at:
- Improving the capacity building of the administrations involved
- Carrying out information and promotional activities for enhancing an informed participation of stakeholders on PAC strategic themes
- Developing communication tools addressed to civil society and networking paths for promoting the debate among relevant stakeholders both at territorial and sectorial level.
The Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy coordinates the NRN activities and ensures a constant link between MASAF, Regions and other local institutions involved in the implementation of the rural development policies at a territorial level.
Many are the in-depth studies carried out on strategic themes of the national agricultural policy that can be grouped as follows:
- Strategic monitoring and assessment of the CAP;
- Production supply-chains (wine, oil, fruit and vegetables, livestock, silviculture and forests, minor chains) and sectoral integration;
- Agricultural (agri-environmental themes and organic farming) and territorial (Nature 2000, Bio-districts, Parks) sustainability;
- Territory (Leader, inland areas, disadvantaged areas and mountainous areas, local entities, other forms of territorial planning, broadband in rural areas);
- Innovation and knowledge system.
In all these activity areas the Centre is committed in:
- Carrying out studies, in-depth analysis, thematic reviews, guidelines and databank;
- Organizing meetings, seminars, workshops and study-visits;
- Producing dissemination materials, videos, information brochures and implementation of the following websites:,,