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Survey on public spending in agriculture
What is
The Survey on public spending in agriculture dates back to the beginning of the 90s, with the aim of deepening the theme of public intervention in the agricultural sector through the analysis and classification of the spending disbursed, at different levels, by central and regional Administration.
The public spending in agriculture is analyzed on the basis of the data reported in the preliminary budget and final statements of regional and central Administrations, through an homogeneous methodology that has allowed to quantify and qualify the items making up, directly or indirectly, the total amount of public support to the sector, besides implementing a specific databank.
The target of the project is to provide a tool for analyzing and assessing public policies implemented in agriculture. The project is addressed to policymakers, but also to researchers and sector’s operators.
The project is supported by a “monitoring network” for the systematic collection of data at central and regional level. The information is then mediated and interpreted with the help of experts and researchers of the Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, then validated through the involvement of the related Administrations.
The databank of public spending in agriculture does contain information on the loans and tax benefits to the agricultural sector in the 2000-2017 period.
The databank is annually updated and it is increased by an information flow from the official sources of the subjects involved in the implementation of the policies: Regions, Ministries, INPS, Italian Revenue Agency, etc.
The data gathered are of financial nature, although there are also links to legislations that have generated such spending flows and qualitative information, through a specifically elaborated spending coding system (type of policy, beneficiaries, productive sector, etc.).
The data of the Survey on public spending in agriculture are available upon request.